Market Intelligence Programmes

EMI - Programmes

Market Intelligence Programmes

Eurovent Market Intelligence performs various kinds of data collections:

Annual collection

A collection organised at the beginning of each year (January/February) in order to extract the sales data of the previous year. It concerns almost all countries in Europe, plus some in Africa and Middle East for certain programmes.

Quarterly collection

Collection organised at the end of each quarter, thus 4 times per year, in January, April, July and October, in order to extract the sales of the previous quarter. It concerns the main European countries or areas.

Market evolution

Simplified collection organised at the end of each quarter, thus 4 times per year, in January, April, July and October, in order to know the market trend and evolution. It concerns the main European countries or areas.

Mid-year collection

Simplified collection organised in the middle of the year in July, in order to know the market trend and evolution. It concerns the some European countries.

The 2024 annual data collections will be open from 03 January to 16 February 2024. If you are a manufacturer and interested in participating in any collection below in 2024, please contact us as soon as possible via

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